Helleborus argutifolius - Corsican hellebore
Hellebores are brightening up the garden right now, both in containers and under the Acer, where they mingle with the snowdrops and aconites to create a miniature woodland glade in my town garden.
Helleborus 'HGC Mme Lemonnier'
I love the rich jewel colours of H. 'HGC Mme Lemonnier', above (that gorgeous crushed-velvet red), and the dark midnight purple of H. x hybridus 'Naomi', below. But I always come back to the ice green of H. argutifolius and H. niger 'Christmas Carol ', with its pure, pure white flowers, to plant over and over again, in pots, to lighten up the patio and pathways.
Helleborus x hybridus 'Naomi' |
Helleborus 'HGC Cinnamon Snow' |
Helleborus niger 'Christmas Carol (Christmas Rose) |